Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter/Spring Pics

So, I know Easter has come and gone , but I still wanted to show off some of the cutie pies who shared it with me. :) I hope that everyone had a fabulous holiday with their loved ones.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Thanks for your PATIENCE

I just wanted to thank everyone for their patience during this extremely busy time.  I've been swamped with wrapping up senior work and then I had the Easter/Spring needless to say, I'm trying to make it all happen.  I haven't been the quickest responder to voicemails and emails, but I am here and I will try to get back with everyone as soon as I can.  

I haven't had any time to post any new work on my regular website or my blog.......but I hope to soon!!!!

I am now booking the end of May.  I will be unavailable from May 5-12th, so if you try to reach me at that time, please expect a delayed response.

Thanks so much!!!!!  Keep checking in!!!!  JB